It's very important to surround yourself with the right people, if you desire to succeed in life.
People brush this off and don't see the importance in this, and don't notice where they are right now is actually hurting them.
I use to be unconscious to this, and would hear people saying it and talking about it, but I thought yeah what ever it's not that important or I thought I wasn't good enough to be with these people and would convince myself that I was less.
This was insanity, and I
know that now.
I was attracting pain in my life and was holding it with me like it was part of me, and I didn't realize it, I was constantly being kept-ed their with people around me with the same problem, and agreeing with me.
Living in pain with problems trying to one up are problems but never finding a solution and thinking this is the way it is and that's that. Always going around in circles and never moving forward.
I knew something was wrong, so I separated myself from the pack, and went out to find a better way, I found change and all I simply did was go out and look for it and know there was a better way.
You see the more you surround yourself with the right kind of thinking the more you will attract the right kind of thinking.
I found change and started to live life happier with more joy and not listening to all the negativity put in over the years that were implanted in me.
I saw the light and saw a change, and became very grateful in life, and I had a goal I was striving for, and felt happier.
The other day I took my new brain and ideas back to my old friends because I was happy to share and be alive, but when I got there, it was the same old negativity and I saw no change.
They were all still the same or even worse in my eyes as I had recognized it even more, just a few hours in and I started to see how I was slipping back to my old ways of thinking. And saw how they let this way of thinking consume them not even realizing what they are doing to themselves.
That's when I realized that people really don't know what they are doing to themselves, because they don't question their beliefs, they hold on to pain as if it is part of them.
It is only part of you if you let it be part of you, you can choose to let it go. You complaining and talking about how bad your life is, is not going to fix it, you have you start to think better.
You have to go out and look for change, it's a battle of the mind and it won't be easy but the more you surround yourself with it the more you will achieve success.
You just have to ask yourself if your worth it or not, I can not change your perseption of life that you have to do, I can only show you the door you have to walk through.
I will show an example of how are thoughts and are observation of the things around us really determine are reality.
You might not understand it, that's ok your mind will trick you or not be able to grasp it all, but the more you watch and understand it, the clearer you will see, and see that your thoughts form your reality, just the simple fact of observing can shape your life.
That's why it's so important to surround yourself with positive people, and people going out and succeeding in life.
People searching for a better way because they know it's there, and are changing their lives for the better.
I'm not making any money right now and that's ok because I'm happy where I am right now with the people I'm around and seeing great changes in my life.
I would continue doing this even if I didn't make money, and the more I do this it's inevitable I will get money.
I'm grateful to have found a group of people like this that are willing to help me become successful, and see that I'm making a change in my life.
You might feel stuck where you are, I did too, but there's a way out, know that there is.
I've seen it and you can live your desires you have to know you can, if someone else can do it, you can too.
No man is greater then the other, we all have greatness in us you have to take the first step and go look for it.
You deserve to live the life of your dreams.
I just felt like I had to share that and by me sharing this it helped me too, as the more you help others the more you will be helped as a by product. This is the power of surronding yourself with the right people.
I'm part of this program that is helping me get to success everyday.
I came from a state of dis belief and now I know this is where I must be.
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I will not give up because it gets hard sometimes. I am apart of something that is changing my life every thought at a time every step at a time and I will be successful.
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