For most people, insurance is the most practical method to handle the large risks. Insurance is an option that many people use to reduce the risk of loss on an individual, family, or a business / company. General insurance usually we encounter in society are grouped based on the characteristics of coverage: the unification of loss, unexpected loss payments, risk transfer and compensation. Insurance is one way for businesses to reduce the risk of loss that may occur in a business transaction. Insurance will help to reimburse losses suffered that loss suffered by businesses would be minimized.
In the Islamic insurance operations actually happens is another accountable, aid and protect among the participants themselves. Insurance companies are given the confidence (trust) by the participants to manage premiums, developing the halal way, provide compensation to the unfortunate deed according to the contents of the agreement. Islamic insurance company profits derived from the profits of the fund participants, which was developed with the principle of mudaraba (profit-sharing system). The participants based Islamic insurance as the owners of capital and Islamic insurance company serves as the running capital. Gains derived from the development fund was divided among the participants and the company in accordance with agreed upon.
Investra ink is Life Insurance is a program that combines flexible investment give cleaning. Unit Link Terbaik di Indonesia Commonwealth Life Investra Linkoffers life insurance protection with a wide selection of protection you give peace of life for families. Excellence Investra Link :
1. Link Investra life protection benefit for life, a wide selection of additional insurance protection and critical illness. 
Provide protection against the incurable disease, a benefit of 50% of the sum assured, if you are diagnosed with incurable disease and can not survive more than 12 months were expressed by medical evidence. The rest of the sum assured will be given later when it died.
2. Optimum yield potential investment options through 12 types of investment funds (including 2 types of Islamic investment funds) in accordance with the investment objectives and risk profile.
Inflation Link facility to maintain the economic value of the sum assured effects of inflation (specifically Regular Premium.
3. Insurers use actuarial science to calculate the risks they assume. Actuarial science uses mathematics, especially statistics and probability, which can be used to protect risks to estimate future claims with reliable accuracy. For example, many people buy insurance policies home ownership and then they pay the premiums to the insurance company.
4. If the loss is covered case, the insurer must pay the claim. For some of the insured, the insurance benefit they receive is far greater than the money they have paid to the insurer. Others may not make a claim. When averaged over all policies sold, the total claims paid out less than the total premiums paid to the insured, the difference is the cost and profit.
Provide protection against the incurable disease, a benefit of 50% of the sum assured, if you are diagnosed with incurable disease and can not survive more than 12 months were expressed by medical evidence. The rest of the sum assured will be given later when it died.
2. Optimum yield potential investment options through 12 types of investment funds (including 2 types of Islamic investment funds) in accordance with the investment objectives and risk profile.
Inflation Link facility to maintain the economic value of the sum assured effects of inflation (specifically Regular Premium.
3. Insurers use actuarial science to calculate the risks they assume. Actuarial science uses mathematics, especially statistics and probability, which can be used to protect risks to estimate future claims with reliable accuracy. For example, many people buy insurance policies home ownership and then they pay the premiums to the insurance company.
4. If the loss is covered case, the insurer must pay the claim. For some of the insured, the insurance benefit they receive is far greater than the money they have paid to the insurer. Others may not make a claim. When averaged over all policies sold, the total claims paid out less than the total premiums paid to the insured, the difference is the cost and profit.
Some people think of insurance as a form of betting in force during the period of the policy. Insurance companies are betting that property buyers will not be lost when the buyer pays the money. The difference in fees paid to the insurance company against the amount they can receive when the accident occurred about the same as when someone bet on horse racing (eg, 10-to-1). For this reason, some religious on Unit Link Terbaik di Indonesia Commonwealth Life Investra Link, including the Amish avoid insurance and depend on the support received by their communities when disasters occur. In the community and supports a close
relationship in which the people can help each other to rebuild the lost property
, this plan can work. Most people can not effectively support the system as above and the system will not work for big risk. Thanks for your time!

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